Would you leave this country?

I find things interesting in Christianity today, as it seems to be that people just love to fight over the issue of Homosexuality. I think that it is time for the world to just simply realize that it exist and will continue to exist for the rest for the rest of the time that creatures exist on this planet. Their used to be a time in my life where I was very much against homosexuality and the gay lifestyle, but the more that I thought about the issue, and the issues that those of us that are Black/African-American have had to go through, I began to realize that the homosexual lifestyle was ok.


From what I know, all that they are asking for are the same rights as everybody else, which is what the Black Community was (and still is) asking for back in the 50s and 60s. Think about it. Now if this issue were about a racial group the uproar would be different. Imagine if this debate were about the racial group that you were a member of. What do you think that you would do if your child, sibling, cousin, best friend, parent, aunt, uncle etc were to come out openly one day and say that they were homosexual? What would you do if someone were to denounce you because of the color of your skin?


Jesus said that we should “… love our neighbor as ourselves…” Now think about it. If you started throwing stones and shooting bullets at your neighbor and you were to kill their child, would you want for them to come and do the same thing to you? Let’s say that the Homosexual Community began their own religion. Would you want them to show up at your house, or a funeral, or get on television saying how your lifestyle is so sinful and wrong? That we should have laws in this country banning things that you do consensually within your own home?


What would you do if you were to find out that most of the founders of this country were homosexual? Would you leave this country?


It is time for the world to realize that homosexuality is something that is not going to go away. Homosexuality is something that just doesn’t occur within the human species, but in other animals as well (type in “homosexuality in animals” on Goggle, and you will find plenty of scientific proof.)


I have yet to know any homosexual who wants to force that “lifestyle” on me, and frankly think that if one were to look upon that “lifestyle”, we would see that it is really no different than any other. Despite the fact that the “hippie” movement of the late 60s and early 70s took away from the focus of the Black Civil Rights Movement, the Black Community has never tried to force its lifestyle on other communities. The Black Community only wants all to accept its community, and that is the same thing that the Homosexual Community desires.


If you are unwilling to accept the lifestyle of the Homosexual Community, then just imagine if it was the reverse and it was your community. I’m not Gay, but I have seen and experience what the Black Community has gone through, and don’t think that on other Loving Community should have to go through the same thing.

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