Nominations Wanted by The Diocese of California

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June 16, 2011

To: Congregations in the Diocese of California, The Episcopal Church
Re: Nominations to Convention

The diocesan Committee on Nominations is doing a new thing.

The job is ages old. This diocesan-wide committee has been charged with finding willing church members with useful experience to be nominated to run for various positions at the diocesan level. At Diocesan Convention this coming October 21 and 22, delegates must elect one clergy and two (usually one; a vacant term must be filled) lay persons to the Standing Committee, two representatives from Convention (one must be lay) to the Executive Council, one Secretary of the Convention and one Treasurer of the Diocese.
And it’s a challenge. The 2010 Convention elected to change the make-up of the Nominating Committee. It is now comprised of one clergy and one lay member elected from each of the six deaneries; most deaneries did this at the end of last year. There are twelve members, and two liaisons, from Executive Council and Standing Committee. A process is evolving and has begun. Members of the Committee have been and are attending their spring deanery meetings to spread the word and encourage deanery attendees to find amidst their own congregations people to nominate. You may have attended one of these meetings. Notices from the Committee have appeared in DioBytes.
Your help is so important. We know that within the diocese are many good people whose knowledge, talents and experience should be brought to light. This diocese needs the skills and viewpoints of a wide range of Episcopalians — “cradle” to “converted,” “eco” to ecumenical, quiet to querulous — as we work to make our church vibrant in the near and far future. Please assist us in finding these people.
Time is of the essence. Go to the diocesan web site,, and select the “Convention” tab clicking on “Nominations”; you will be able to access the nominating form. And, you can read descriptions of the positions to be filled and the lengths of the term of office. The form should be filled out and submitted on line. Once someone has been nominated, he or she will be contacted by the Registrar of the Nominating Committee to obtain further information about the potential candidacy. The deadline for receiving applications is July 17, 2011.
Have you a question? Read the web site material. Consult the members of the Committee on Nominations from your deanery listed under the “2011 Diocesan Convention” tab. Go to “Nominations” and click “Committee on Nominations.”
Ask for inspiration and insight. Share the Committee on Nomination’s quest with your congregation and other groups of Episcopalians by announcement and weekly prayer in words of your own choosing.

Lord Jesus Christ help us to see the ones you are choosing for diocesan work in your Church and to do our part to make their way easy and their burden light that they may give and receive your Love on earth.

1055 Taylor Street San Francisco, CA 94108
415.673.5015 (phone) 415.673.9268 (fax) (email)
Click here for a direct link to the online Nomination Form.
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