More on the Obama thing

It's amazing how this stuff with Senator Barak Obama's Pastor continues on. Now Senator Obama has been forced to denounce his former Pastor. With the things the polls now saying that it is hurting Sen. Obama in this election, it makes me wonder who int his country really deserves to be elected to any political office in the country? How can someone run for any office if someone that they know has something that could be taken wrong or they have disagreed with?

Even though I have a lot of love and respect for him, at times my pastor will say things that I (and others in my congregation) totally disagree. With some of the things that he has said, if taken out of context could fall against me if I were to ever choose to run for office. This is not only true of my current pastor, but for ever pastor that I have ever had.

Think about that the next time you listen to a sermon some time, or a clergy person speaking in another situation. Because of what is going on in the Anglican Communion now, and some of the things that the Presiding Bishop has said, does that mean that every Episcopalian are going to be identified as believing at heart those comments?

What makes things really bad about this whole thing is the press and the political shows on television. I wonder how many of these people on these shows have been MEMBERS of a Black Church? I'm not talking about going to a service or two, but attending one week after week for a period of time. A church were if they were asked where they went to church, that would be the church that they name. They sit there and say how wrong what Rev. Wright was for saying what he did, but that was only a small clip of an entire sermon. How would they like it if someone were to take a small clip of something that they said on one of these shows that made them look bad?

Are we looking for Perfection in who we want in our next president, and if so, where can we find the Perfect person? Not only will we have to elect the perfect person to be our President, but also our Congress people, Mayors, Governors, and so on. Where do we find such people? I personally think that people like that wouldn't even think about running for political office.

One thing that I do wonder is who was the first to put those small pieces online, and for what reasons? Was this one of the other camps that put this up? Has this video helped Obama gain in votes?

Will this video actually hurt the GOP if they proceed to use this in advertising? Think about it. Because the press has tried to make this a racial issue, and the GOP has been seen as a group that is against equality amongst the races in ways, will this get people out to vote Democratic? I'm glad that Sen. McCain has requested that this video not be used, and I hope that the GOP chooses to leave this issue alone.

What I would like to see if for the people of this country to demand that the press of this country play an entire speech so that we can make up our own mind as to what a person has said. I have heard what he was saying prior to what the press and the political pundits have talked about. It's sad that they don't think that we are smart enough to be able to figure things out for ourselves. The press thinks that we are stupid. I think that at some point I will do a blog on my views of the press.

In Peace

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