Category Archives: Blog

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Let Ye Without Sin…

 Over the last few months there has been we have been bombarded with news about Casey Anthony and the trail. As we all know, she was found Not Guilty of most of the charges against her but a jury. What … Continue reading

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Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene

My Pastor’s daughter came across this. It’s 4 years old, has over a million views, and is simply funny…

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A Cool “Flash Mob”

 I think that this would be fun to do….

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Redefining Success with You in Mind

This is a video of a seminar that a woman named Bryn Drescher did. I watched it and it had me rethinking things when it comes to Success and other things. I will post a blog about my thoughts soon … Continue reading

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15 Signs That A Church Is In Trouble

I found this on another website and just had to share it here…. 15 Signs That A Church Is In Trouble November 4, 2009 #1 – When excuses are made about the way things are instead of embracing a willingness to … Continue reading

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Nominations Wanted by The Diocese of California

Please consider downloading a PDF version of this letter to distribute to your congregation. Click here to download. June 16, 2011 To: Congregations in the Diocese of California, The Episcopal Church Re: Nominations to Convention The diocesan Committee on Nominations … Continue reading

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But What If?

 In an earlier blog I talked about Howard Camping and the fact that I have learned from him and that I feel that I have actually grown stronger in my spirituality. I also said that I don’t believe in his … Continue reading

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False Beliefs

This blog isn’t about really about false beliefs in any religion, but more about false beliefs in ones self.  In my previous blog I talked a little about how people ask me how they can get involved in things in … Continue reading

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Get Involved

 From time to time someone will ask me about my activities in the diocese and how I find out about the events that I attend. The things that I go to I find out through different ways. For some things, … Continue reading

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Voices From The Pews

 The Christian church is interesting in that we go every week and hear clergy give sermons every week. We sit back and listen to the words that are said, and try to gain some insight in what the clergy person … Continue reading

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