A Prayer for a Friend

A few years ago, I went to another congregation on Fridays during Lent because they were doing the Stations of the Cross. The only time that the Stations was done at my congregation was on Good Friday. Now I was and am in the habit of doing the Stations throughout the year. After going to the other congregation one Friday, I figured that it would be a great thing to do at my congregation. I mentioned the idea to my pastor, and he started telling me that this was a Spanish thing to do. I explained to him that it wasn't, as I had been going to an Afro-Anglican congregation where they had been doing it. He was surprise, and after a few weeks he said OK. 

I looked on the Internet, and found that their are a number of Stations that deal with topics other than just the story of the last days of Christ. They were still related to the last days, but also dealt with other things like war, AIDS, and more. We used these except for Good Friday, as I felt that we should use the traditional one. While we were in the process of doing them, the idea of creating one myself came to mind. I wasn't sure what to do it on, but I knew that something would come to mind. 
I was involved in an event in the diocese where I needed to find stories about the Civil Rights Movement. I search the Internet and found some very interesting ones. The event went off great. I was then involved with something else, and while given me a lift home, my pastor mentioned the idea of me putting together a Stations dealing with Racism. That was it, That is the thing that I am suppose to do. I thought about it and looked on the Internet for the stories that I had found, but had put in "Stories of Racism" for some reason. In the list of site, I found a site that I have come to love. It has stories not only of racism, but many other things as well.  Now the social networks like MySpace, Friendster and Facebook are all nice, but if you really want to meet people who have common interest with you, and you can really develop friendships with, give The Experience Project a visit. It's one of those places that is one of the best kept secrets on the Internet. I would really hate to see it become like the the other places, but I want to see it succeed. 
 Anyway, I was looking through a section in there, and someone had written about something that they were currently going through and having a real rough time. As most people know, I am a very shy guy until I get to know someone, but the Holy Spirit lead me to send the person a note to try and help them feel better about themself, and what I felt they should do. We have conversed through PMs since, and I have really enjoyed those conversations. They are beginning to feel better about themself, and I hope that I helped in a small way, but I want for you all to keep this person in your prayers. Please pray for Stronger. Now I don't know Stronger's real name, but I am positive that the Holy Trinity will know exactly who is being referred to. I really want for Stronger to feel like they are surrounded by the Love that I know all that read this have, and the Love of the Holy Trinity.

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