Transitional President

 People have been asking me who I will vote for as President this Tuesday. Most people think that I will be voting for Obama because he is Black, like myself. Yes I am going to vote for him, but that isn't the reason. At the moment what I think that this country needs is a Transitional President. Personally, I don't see him being elected again. I do have a small fear that someone will kill him, and I strongly pray that this doesn't happen, but I could see it happening. 

 Not only people in this country making high expectations of him, but so is the world, and that will be his downfall. I think that the man will try and come up with great things for this country, but the country won't work with him to get these things going. By the end of his term, he will be frustrated and simply decide not to run again, but to concentrate on his family.
 So who will be elected after him? I think that it will be a woman. I don't believe that the Republican Party (in which I used to be a member,) really doesn't expect to win this election. I think that it will be either close or a blowout, but Obama will win. I think that the 2012 election will come down to Hillary Clinton against Sarah Palin. Gov. Palin is being groomed for the position. Her being nominated now is to get her name out into the public. Over the next couple of years we will really get to find out who she really is. If you saw her on SNL, I think that you saw the real her. The Gov. Palin that we are seeing now is to get the Republican Party excited as to its future. When she runs we will find out her real beliefs and the way that she will do things. Expect her to see her on shows like "The View", 20/20, and other shows after this election is over. I think that the only thing that could stop her is if she is elected to the Senate, then expect her to run in 2016. 
 I think that it's a good thing that Sen. Clinton didn't won the nomination this time. I think that Obama will take this country in a direction to far to the other side, and Sen. Clinton will be the one that will bring it back to a direction that will benefit ALL of the people in this country. Some people will worry about President Bill Clinton being involved in her Presidency, but he has a large number of things that he is doing and I am sure that he really doesn't want to get involved in politics. 
 Now I am sure that this won't happen, but I kind of hope that Obama keeps Dr. Rice in the White House. I think that we really need someone from the current administration to be in his cabinet in order to help us get out of these wars that we are in. I think that she will only be there for a couple of year, and I am not sure how well her and Michelle Obama will get along, but I think that she would be the best person to get us out of Iraq in a way that many in this country would be happy with.
 Enough of Politics.
 My diocese had it's convention not to long ago. I was upset the first night of the convention. Now no business occurs that first night, but a service was held welcoming an Assisting Bishop into our diocese. I have meet Bp. Steven Charleston, and think that he's a great guy. Part of his responsibility will be working and dealing with the MultiCultural and MultiEthnic aspects of the diocese. What I found sad was that Grace Cathedral was only 1/4 full, and the small number of those of us of color was sad. I think that the place should of been full with a large number of people of color there. In a way I wonder how many rectors/vicars/pastors even told their congregation about it. I am glad that Bp. Marc choose him to be the Assisting Bishop, as I think that the two of them will work great together, and a large number of great things will occur in this diocese.
 Make sure that you get out and Vote this Tuesday. 

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