Is Texas Acting Like The Nazi Party?

I use to be heavily involved in an Episcopal group over on MySpace, but I really became tired of the conservatives their only wanting to post and saying how the Episcopal Church is such a bad place, speaking ill about the Presiding Bishop, and other stuff. Now I have never understood why these folks would remain in a place where they are so unhappy when there are a number of other denominations that they could join. With the way that they talk, I wonder if they should join the group in Texas that has been in the news lately. Now don't get me wrong, I do believe in the freedom of speech, but with all of the whining that these folks are doing, it doesn't make sense as to why they bother to stay.

But with the stuff that is going on with the group in Texas, it seems to me that the state is acting like the Nazi Party of WWII. I am glad that the police did go in to investigate after the girl called, as I think that the idea of these much older guys marrying these teenage girls is wrong, but it seems as though the actions by the state is getting stranger.

During WWII, the Nazi Party would round up the Jews and take them to concentration camps. At these camps, they would separate the men from the women and children. What happened in Texas? The police came in and removed all of the women & children from the men. The Nazi Party would put these people into buildings/camps that were really unfit for a bunch of people. In Texas, the women and children where put into a building that had two toilets. The Nazi Party would separated the kids over a certain age from their mother. What has happened in Texas now? The women with kids over the age of four have been separated from their mothers.

I ask, is Texas acting like the Nazi Party? The state is saying that they are doing this for the welfare of the children, but wouldn't it be better for the children to be with their parents? I wonder how many of these kids will now become mentally messed up because of this action. I would think that by this point they would of identified the teen girl who called, and would of even discovered other females. It shouldn't take long for them to identify the girl, as she is a teenager with one child. Sure it could take time before other women would come forward, but it seems as though when given the choice of being back at the compound or the conditions that they were put in by the state, they would choose to go back to the compound with the men as they will see that they had it better at the compound. Now I could be wrong, but I would think that there are enough empty motel/hotel rooms to have put these people, but instead they are treated like cattle.

As we saw when the Olympic Torch was here and in a couple of other countries, people were out protesting against China and trying to get the Chinese government to free Tibet because of the way that the people in Tibet are being treated, but yet none of these people seem to be out protesting the way that Texas has treated these women. Maybe it's just that the press isn't reporting it?

Of what I have heard about the group from the press reports, I don't agree with the beliefs of the group outside the fact that they claim to be Christians. I feel that it is wrong to force these girls to marry older men, and I wonder if there are now men in this country now trying to figure out how they could start their own group where they could marry and have sex with teenage girls in the name of Religion?

But again I ask, is the State of Texas acting like the Nazi Party? Don't get me wrong, as most people in Texas are wonderful people, but are the actions by the state are like that of the Nazi Party?

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